Confidence Boosters!


Easy-step confidence for difficult times.

Build up self-confidence and self-esteem to help people flourish despite changes and challenges in work and in personal life. Great morale booster, helping people move forward.

‘Should set you on the road to becoming a star performer’
The Times

‘Offers practical tips and down-to-earth advice on how to build up self-esteem and reap the rewards that boosting it offers.’
Business Briefing

Confidence Boosters!
ISBN: 978-0-9559081-4-9, 63 pages

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Easy-step confidence for difficult times.

Build up self-confidence and self-esteem to help people flourish despite changes and challenges in work and in personal life. Great morale booster, helping people move forward.

Confidence Boosters!
ISBN: 978-0-9559081-4-9, 63 pages